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29th March - 3rd April 2024 | Lake District


A week of adventure, hill walking and navigation skills development in the heart of the Lake District.


Easter Hillcraft is open to all Scouts (who are in year 8 or above at the time of the event), all Explorer Scouts, Scout Network members and Leaders from all sections.


This annual activity, run by experienced and qualified Leaders, begins with Gravesham Winter Camp & ends with a challenging 5 night camp in the Lake District in April.


The Hillcraft fee is £135 and includes all camp fees and travel to/from and during the event. Payble via bank transfer, details can be found at time of booking.


If you have any questions then please email:


The event is based at Rydal Hall (OS Map Ref: NY 365 063).


This campsite is in the heart of the Lake District, close to Rydal Water, and is a short walk northwest of the town of Ambleside, which has many shops for both food and equipment shopping.


Participants must be self-sufficient for the duration of the camp, providing all equipment (a list will be provided) and food to cook for themselves.


Throughout the stay a series of challenging walks in the hills are undertaken. Many peaks of over 600m and some over 900m are included, with more experienced parties having the chance to camp out overnight en-route. Everybody is organised into walking parties (which will be organised at Winter Camp) and each party will have a Party Leader and Party Second responsible for their walking and safety in the hills.


For leader support this year we are doing things a little different. Due to high demand and limited places, this year for Easter Hillcraft we are taking the approach of an Expression of Interest form for all adults (over 18s) that wish to come along to this years event.


Taking this approach means that we can make sure that we have adequate leadership support in the required roles for the event before allowing others to come along in alternative capacities.


As part of the expression, we will be asking what you would like to do at Hillcraft this year and, if required, what qualifications/experience you have for this.


To complete the Leaders expression of interest form please follow the link below and the Hillcraft team will be in touch as soon as possible to confirm your place in the New Year (Jan 2024).

Leader Support

Expression of Interest

Winter Camp and Training

2nd - 4th February 2024

Hopehill Campsite, Meopham


Prior to Hillcraft at Easter, there is Winter Camp (including the Pre-course meeting) and a team Shakedown Hike.


Winter Camp is a 2-night camp at Hopehill running over the weekend of 2nd – 4th February 2024 where all participants learn and develop a range of skills in preparation for Hillcraft.


All Scouts and first-time Hillcraft Explorers, Network and Leaders MUST attend Gravesham Winter Camp.


Full details of Winter Camp can be found via the button below.






Pre-Course Meeting

4th February 2024

Hopehill Campsite, Meopham

Everybody signed up for Hillcraft is expected to attend the briefing on the Sunday morning of Winter Camp.


Everyone attending Hillcraft should meet at Hopehill at 09.20 (Finish 12.45) for the Pre-Course Meeting. Candidates meet their Party Leaders and arrange further training. Applicants should wear uniform and bring along a notebook and pencil, compass and AA Walkers Map 2 (Central Lake District) or Outdoor Leisure Maps 4, 5, 6 & 7 if available. Parents are welcome to attend the sessions from 11:00am.


At 11am there will be a short briefing for parents, mainly for the parents of first time Scouts and Explorer Scouts, but all parents are welcome. This takes place in the Lion’s Wing. During this time the participants will be looking at routes with their party leaders.


Following the Parents Talk there will be a presentation from 11.45am until 12.45am on the range of equipment suitable for lightweight camping and hill walking in the Lake District. This presentation is for everyone attending Hillcraft and candidates’ parents are also welcome, especially those of first timers. We do have some spare second hand kit that first timers are able to borrow, please speak to one of the leaders at the end of the morning. The equipment talk takes place in the Barnes Wing.

Shakedown Hike

Dates & Location TBA by Walking Party Leader

Party Leaders will arrange separate training sessions with the members of their walking parties, to include an all day or overnight hike, probably locally in the North Downs or possibly further afield, to check equipment, and develop navigational and hiking skills. Participants will get contact information for their party leader at Winter Camp.

Any Other Questions?

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