Transformation Event!
Over the next year, as an organisation, the Scouts will be undergoing substantial change for all volunteers across the UK (the biggest change in Scouts since 1966).
This change will include:
Replacing the majority of role titles (GSL, DESC, DC etc) with new Lead Volunteer titles (among other role titles) to establish a more teams-based approach.
Replacing the current appointments process with new welcome conversations.
Replacing the current adult training scheme with new learning and making Wood Badges optional.
Replacing Compass with a new adult membership system, new learning system and new welcome system.
As part of this change, we are inviting you to our transformation event called Apex 2023 to support you as these changes roll out. Please register using the red button below.It is an event not to be missed!
Date:Saturday 9th September 2023
Time:9:00am - 5:30pm
Venue:Woolf College, University of Kent, The Pavillion, Giles Lane, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7BQ
Parking:Available for free in Giles Lane Car Park (located next to Woolf College)
Please confirm your place by registering using the following link.