Cubs Block Cars 2021
Build, race and display the best hand build block car
6th November 2021
Hopehill Campsite
Check in 1.30pm
Races Start 2pm
District Cub Scouts Block Car Competition Information and Rules
1. This is a joint parent/carer and child project. The aim is to produce a car to race down a special track. 2. The District Competition comprises 2 categories. (a) “Fastest Car” (b) “Best Looking Car”. 3. Entries are restricted to one car per Cub. a. Each Pack will hold races or heats to select their 6 fastest cars which will then be entered into the District Final for “Fastest Car” section. b. Each Pack may enter 2 cars in the “Best Looking Car” section; these are not the same cars as those being raced, but must still comply with the regulations. 4. The District Finals will be between entries from all the Packs participating and will be held at a Hopehill Scout Campsite, date and time to be confirmed when the Block Car Kits are issued to the Pack Leader. 5. Entries from previous years may not be re-entered and a new car must be built for this year’s completion by the young person and their parent/carer. 6. Block Car kits consist of the following components: a. 1 block of wood - (approximately 180mm long by 33mm wide by 45mm high) b. 4 wooden wheels – (49mm diameter) c. 4 wood screws – (30mm long) d. 8 metal washers - (M5 x 10mm) 7. All components contained within the kit MUST be used and the constructed cars MUST comply with the following dimensions/restrictions or they will not run freely and fairly on the track. a. Overall Width – of the car must not exceed 82mm b. Wheels – the width between the wheels must clear 45mm (otherwise it will not fit on the track) and all 4 wheels must be in contact with the track. c. Overall Length – of the car must not exceed 200mm d. Overall Height - of the car must not exceed 82mm e. Ground Clearance – must be a minimum of 16mm f. Maximum Weight – including any added weight of decoration (which must be securely fixed to the body) must not exceed 184g
g. Bushings – or wheel bearings are NOT permitted. Only the 8 washers in the kit must be used. h. Suspension – may NOT be added to the car and the finished article may NOT ride on any form of springs. i. Finishing Details – “Add-Ons” such as model drivers, steering wheels, spoilers or painting etc. may be added, but may not exceed the limitations detailed above. j. The car MUST be free-wheeling and starting or propulsion devices are strictly forbidden. 8. Each car must pass a scrutiny test, prior to the pack heats and will be inspected again before the District Finals. Any cars that do not comply with these rules will be disqualified. Please note, no adjustments may be made at the District Finals. 9. Parents/carers may not be allowed to attend the District Finals, dependent on the number of packs entering the finals, but in the event of parents not being there a leader will accompany the cubs. 10. An entry fee will be charged (per pack) to cover the administration cost for the District Final. Details of this cost will be communicated with Leaders when the Block Car Kits are issued to the Pack Leader.
Hints on Construction
- Choose your design carefully, then whittle and shape your block to the desired shape. - The hole in the wheel may need to be opened out to accept the fixing screw. - The car can be painted, details added and decorations put in place, but please check and adjust the weight, as necessary, after you have done this. - Take care when using sharp tools or blades
Again – please double check measurements and weight restrictions at your Pack Meeting, so you can make any alterations required at the Pack Meeting, as alterations will NOT be allowed after booking in at the District Finals.
Judges Words Are Final ! Good Luck and Good Racing
Terry Duncumb
ADC Cubs
Cubs Block Cars 2021