Entries are invited to the District Cub 5-a-side football competition to be held at Hopehill on Wednesday 28th June.
Teams may consist of up to 8 players
More than 1 team per Pack may be entered.
Each Pack will need to nominate a referee.
Entry fee is £10 per team payable by bank transfer to
Sort code 08-92-99
Acc. no 65638514
Account Name Gravesham District Scout Council
Two ‘Round Robin’ leagues with top two teams from each league competing in the finals
Matches of 10 min duration
Packs are responsible for their own First Aid arrangements.
Last Date for Entries – 21st June. NO late entries accepted.
Entries to andy18aintree@virginmedia.com
Well behaved parent spectators welcome.
Andy Treadwell
5th Northfleet Group Scout Leader
Download Docs
5-a-side Poster
5-a-side Full Info.