Programme Ideas March 2025
SUMMARY – Programme opportunities including kindness sessions, trampolining, farms and movies – find out more.

Some offers that have come in…
Head in the clouds
I run 'head in the clouds' sessions for children of all ages. I run a short presentation and discussion and then we do a related craft. It is all about kindness to yourself and your peers. I have hosted these sessions at various other groups in the area and would love to be involved with your group. I am the current Miss UK and do a lot of charity and community work. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks, Molly Patching
SOAR Trampoline Park
SOAR are once again offering 5 events for 2025, where we extend opening hours for the Scouting community. This has been very successful in the past and has come about after receiving enquiries from groups that only had a few members and were unable to reach the minimum requirement to allow us to open-up for an extra hour.
Once again, we are offering this exclusive jump to any Scouting group on a set day once a term from 6-8pm. You can jump for either 1 or 2 hours. Please note that you will need to arrive 30 minutes before the time you wish to jump.
The dates on offer for 2024/ 25 are: Thursday 6th March, Wednesday 30th April, Thursday 26th June, Wednesday 17th September and Thursday 20th November. We can also offer sleepovers on a Friday evening.
The price is £8.50pp for a 1 hour jump or £15pp for a 2 hour. Your guests will be required to bring their SOAR trampoline socks with them. Book by emailing
Local farm
My name is Shannon Hunter, I have a small farm with sheep, chickens and pigs on the Meopham / Cobham border. I was wondering if the Scouts would be interested in visiting or working towards badges or volunteering here? Please give me a call on 07808 736254 if you are interested.
Want to show a movie?
The District has renewed its’ Motion Picture Licence which allows groups to show movies (DVD’s, recordings or streaming) licensed for home use to Scouts in Gravesham. You can’t charge an admission fee for the movie (but you can charge for a camp, event or subs which includes the movie) and you can’t advertise it to the public outside of Scouts – but you can show as many movies as you like.
Medway watersports
Medway Watersports (based next to the Strand) are offering 2 hour sailing sessions after school or on Saturdays for £15 per person for up to 12 young people at a time – they may be able to take larger groups on request. Contact; they have an open day for leaders to drop in on 26 April 10:00 – 14:00
Fraser Patrick Lead Volunteer Gravesham Scouts
Programme Ideas March 2025