Fraser Patrick
Deputy District Commissioner Gravesham
The Scout Association is moving towards requiring full compliance with POR from all its members.
For some years a DBS has been mandatory for all adult members; maintaining Safety and
Safeguarding has been added to it and now completing the rest of Getting Started (Essential
Information, GDPR, and where appropriate validating Tools for the Role, a Personal Learning Plan and Trustee Introduction within 5 months) as well as completing a Wood Badge for Leaders within 3 years of appointment.
As a District we are not doing badly – we have less than 10 people missing Safety and/ or
Safeguarding (but that is 10 too many), and according to Compass there are 40 people whose Wood Badges are overdue. We know Compass is not infalliable and are checking it, but if you are a leader who has been in role for 3 years or more and don’t have a pair of beads to dangle around your neck, we will need to do some work to validate your skills, and you may need to do some courses. (These could be online – from Kent or another County – or eLearning, workbooks, face to face when available or another option). Over the next month or two one of the Training Advisors in the District will be making contact with you if you are in this group to sort it out.
As for First Aid.... First Response has been re-written, split into 3 modules (Life support, Injuries and Medical conditions). There is no longer a renewal course; you need to do the full course every 3 years. All these modules are available over Zoom from the County team, and if you do this you will need to do a brief practical validation of hands only CPR in the coming months. Alternatively you can wait and do a ‘normal’ course when normal arrives – HQ have said first aid will be extended for 6 months after we reach Green.
Congratulations on those who have completed their Wood Badges for the first time (in some cases a while ago):
Caz Breeds
Chris Norman
Joseph Appleby
Heather Johnston
Helen Smith
Laura Scott
Leanne Ferguson
Lee Chase
Rachael Lawler
Vikki Welch
Beads and certificates should be making their way to you shortly.
And a final note – if you have a Wood Badge and would like to join the team of Training advisors please let me know.
Fraser Patrick
Deputy District Commissioner Gravesham