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Transformation update September 2024

Writer's picture: Fraser PatrickFraser Patrick

Transformation Image Gravesham Scouts

Transformation update September 2024

The date for change over to the new digital system is still not confirmed but it will be before Christmas this year.  There are some things that need done now...

DBS renewals - if your DBS is due for renewal up until the end of January, please submit the renewal before the end of September to minimise issues.  We will be emailing everyone this applies to and their lead volunteer in the next few days.

New members - please add to Compass and process DBS as soon as possible.  There will be a period of over a month where new adults cannot be added or DBS's initiated. 

Anyone whose DBS is not returned and showing as 'Disclosure issued' on Compass will need to be treated as not having one - so no overnight stays or unsupervised access.

Appointments Panel and References - we need to get as many of these completed before Compass is switched off as possible, else they will need restarted in the new system.  Rob Viner will be in touch to progress these.

Learning and wood badges - if you are working towards your first wood badge, modules must be validated to carry over to the new system and if you are to get your wood badge before cutover under the current scheme, I need a recommendation from a Training Advisor by 27 September.

Permits and Nights Away Notifications - if you have a permit that needs renewing this year, if possible please submit the application by 30 September.  And if you are planning a Night Away this term please get your NAN form in as soon as possible.

Welcome conversation volunteers - once we move to the new system, appointments meetings are replaced by welcome conversations.  These should take place (within 4- 6 weeks of joining) between a new volunteer, an adult from their group (Group Lead Volunteer or Section Team Leader) and an adult from outside their group,  Both these adults need to have completed the "Welcome Conversation" learning - which can be done now.  If you are interested in this, contact me here.

We will pass more details on as they come, and I expect to have a firmer timeline in early October.  Please do get in touch if you have any questions.

Fraser Patrick

Lead Volunteer - Gravesham Scouts

Transformation update September 2024


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